Beauty Tips, Beauty tips in urdu
Masks for acne and oily skin, pedicure at home, Home remedies for oily skin in Urdu,
A Making beauty box & colleCting iTs acceSSories z an inteResting hobbY, if U take iT aS a parT timE pasS hobby raTher thaN maKing it A full tiMe job heaDache. HeRe V R preSenting a huGe seLection of eYe shaDows, lipsTicks, masCaras, Nail polisheZ, blusherZ, powderZ and foundationZ to saVe to from aNy kiNd of seleCtion heaDache. V R also proViding a comPlete list of maKeup accEssories so that yOu mighT knoW abouT the requiRed coLors in diFFerent accEssories & braNds. Tools of maKeup R also discUssed heRe in deTail.
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